
Francs-maçons, toujours ? Jean-Luc Bigot (Éditions Baudelaire)

Freemasonry does not address the XXI century with confidence. In his essay just published, Jean-Luc Bigot directly raises the question of the fate of the honorable institution. Lozérien for over thirty years, historian by training and lecturer by profession, his testimony and his thoughts are a valuable contribution.
He finds this reflection more than ever necessary to clear an inventory of methods and purpose Masonic. The origins of Freemasonry date back to the former duties of the companions trained by the corporations of builders who erected great monuments, including the cathedrals.
In itself philosophical and philanthropic, the Craft is defined as an initiatory order based on a system of personal and social morality. Highly organized according to a secular tradition, the symbols and rituals are attached to a Masonic secrecy and to the art of building.
Structured in multiple Obediences, the Craft recruits its members by cooptation in the aim they help each other working on the spiritual and moral development of each other.
The interview with the author in French here by Midilibre.