
A lodge in France: 100 years old

The Lodge Mont-de-Marsan is located at the Southeast region of France. It is under the jurisdiction of one of the larger  French obediences, the Grand Lodge of France. André-Noël Dubart, the grand-master of the Obedience, gave an interview to the Soud-Est magazine, an interesting testimony of the differences that divide liberal (or atheist) and traditional (or regular) visions on freemasonry. In a certain way is a forced way to look freemasonry in the context of a struggle with theology that emerge from the overall line of argumentation. Assuming itself free from any constriction of religion (or divinity) and being completely free, liberal Freemasonry felt in the trap of sufficiency and rationality: Man is the only horizon of reason and nothing more exists that materiality. Other then that is superstition and backwardness. The piece is here