
Abbreviations used in Anglo-Saxon freemasonry- I

A:.F:. and A:.M:. - Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
B:.L:.R:.T:. - Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, the main principles of the Order
D:.C:. - Director of Ceremonies
D:.G:.M:. - Deputy Grand Master
E:.A:. - Entered Apprentice
F:.C:. - Fellow Craft
H:.A:.B:. [you may learn later]
I:.G:. - Inner Guard
I:.H:.S:.V:. - In Hoc Signo Vinces
J:.D:. - Junior Deacon [English Craft has two deacons - our Experto]
M:.M:. - Master Mason
P:.G:.M:. - Past Grand Master
P:.M:. - Past Master
S:.W:. - Senior Warden
T:.G:.A:.O:.T:.U:. - The Grand Architect of the Universe
W:.M:. - Worshipful Master [our Venerável Mestre]