
Is really a joke, isn't it?

One of the jokes of the week is that we, Portuguese Freemasons, have been conquered by the British. That's right. According with the president of the regional government of Madeira (see quote below) freemasonry is looking to gain the power in beautiful island of the Atlantic Ocean and the "British were always behind the freeemasonry in the region". The president argued that the plot is coming from inside the social-democrat party. This odd statement was made in a political meeting of the PSD-Madeira and was published in the main local newspaper. I believe it amuse us.
It is always challenging when a politician makes comments about freemasonry. Most of the times he doesn't know exactly what he says; other times he lack important data to support its comments. In this case this must be a joke, we presume. Madeira is still an integrant part of Portugal and although the British are our oldest ally we may confess here that we had always problems with that ally. In the end of the 19th century the British aim to take from us our African colonies. This is called the "ultimatum" epysode and our national anthem, A Portuguesa, gives a clear response on how we were prepared to face it marching against them. A century before, our compatriots needed to put a certain Beresford out of Portugal because he intended to be the successor of the Napolean marechals that invade our country. Since then we tell a joke about the British, extended from an old joke about the Spaniards.  From these we say, "de Espanha nem bom ventos nem bom casamentos" (from Spain neither good winds neither good marriages). From the Englishmen we say "de Inglaterra nem bons conselhos, nem boas primaveras" (from England neither good advice, neither good Spring). We are a small but a very proud people. We don't like to be ordered what to do, we decide by ourselves. And we love our motherland.
A Fraternal embrace to our Brethren of Gonçalves Zarco Lodge.
O presidente do PSD-Madeira, Alberto João Jardim, disse, ontem, à margem da reunião que manteve com responsáveis daquele partido no concelho de Santana, ter informações concretas de que a maçonaria estava a preparar uma solução para assumir o poder na Madeira e no PSD. Disse-o aos militantes e repetiu-o aos jornalistas. Mas, dentro da sala ainda foi mais contundente, explicando que sempre foram os ingleses que estão por trás da maçonaria na Região.
Alberto João Jardim disse ainda que aquela tentativa maçónica contava com gente do PSD.