
Grand Orient of the United States

A new Obedience has been born in the United States, the Grand Orient of the U.S. It is an obedience aligned with the liberal and non-regular type of freemasonry that has a long tradition in Europe. Sometimes we heard around the argument that these people are no masons, probably followers of Satan. This is a stupidity, and a dreadful prejudice for people who live and enjoy the tradition of the Craft in a different way. It is like saying that the way we choose to dialogue with the Creator in our innerself is the only way, the exclusivist way and all the other are erroneous. We have heard this argument for ages in every bloodshed committed in the name of the God of Abraham, the Father of Jesus, and the God of Mahomed. The argument says that a few are the chosen and the others deserve the Hell.
In a time of Christmas and redemption we should remember its major teaching that we all are sons of God whenever we follow Jesus teachings or not and that is the basic tenure of his doctrine, a doctrine of tolerance, of brotherhood, of love. We all live the relation with the divine in different ways; some follow an institutional religion others not, but we Scottish Freemasons accept in our way that that light of spirituality in our innerself is part of our life and our personality. Be good and make the good; treat the Other as end and not as means; don't do to other what you would not like they do to yourself are common teachings of every religion. The report of the Grand Orient of the U.S. says the following:

On November 30, 2010 Sister Margaret Downey became the first female Grand Orient USA Freemason to be initiated in the United States, forever changing the face of Freemasonry in America.
Margaret Downey was born into a multi-cultural family in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Margaret grew up in a highly prejudiced southern society in the 1950s. She became concerned about discrimination and its effects at an early age and has devoted her life to ending all forms of it.
Reading the literary work of Thomas Paine and Robert G. Ingersoll enabled Margaret to develop a keen sense of revolutionary thought.