The system of three degrees of a symbolic Lodge is structured to allow any novice to progress in the direction of the Light and adjust its masonic "vision" to its splendor. They are the first steps of a stair (we give it a special name) that a Freemason of the Scottish Rite is invited to climb up. In days of instability and lack of convictions this walk is rush up because the Lodges become a place of circulation as Brethren are raised to the Third Degree and loose interest in participating so periodically in the Lodge sessions as previously. There are a lot of amusement attractions and a session of a Lodge is hardly a place where things are achieved with little effort and sacrifice. We live in a culture of facilitism where everything is taken by granted and Freemasonry has suffered and is suffering from this lack of conviction.
There are two phenomenon happen nowadays: lodges are becoming places where retired people enjoy their time with the folks before jumping to the dinner and to the scotch where the night is ended; or a place where new breed members (normally young) are rushed to be "promoted" without giving them time to learn, study and apprehend the subtleties of the Royal Art. One may question what alternatives Brethren that have the responsibility to lead this bunch of men have? To restrict the number of the new members so a comfortable time is earned for training and rehearsing them through the functions of a Lodge? To impose fines to members that loose the interest in the Lodge and, after reaching the Third Degree, disappear from circulation?We haven't seen any secure remedy for this uncomfortable situation, till now, because situations are basically diverse.
There are Lodges in the Craft with a large number of members that have difficulty to meet because members don't appear in the sessions; there are lodges that are small and require a lot of discipline and scheduling the days of meetings so a comfortable number of members are gathered. It is difficult to have an optimal solution for this problem and we guess any constituency is only in the position to do the best it can to confront the issue. What brings to the question of the role freemasonry can perform in this 21st Century a subject that we should further new contributions and reactions.