
New Grand Master in the Chair

The Grand Legal Lodge of Portugal has from now on a new Grand Master, M:.R:.Bro:. José Moreno, 57 years old, lawyer and entrepreneur (third from the left). It its the seventh Master in the Solomon Chair what says much about the expectations its nomination raises within the Portuguese Brotherhood.
From Macao, the Brethren of Luz do Oriente salute Brother José and wish him the best luck and achievements for the sake of Portuguese Freemasonry and Regular Freemasonry in general. It is the second jurist to be appointed to the chair and its curriculum as Grand Official (of different rites and allegiances) exhibts its large experience and its high-rank profile. He is a York Rite Freemason and a former High Priest of the Royal Arc for Portugal. He was a co-founder of the District of Portugal of the Grand Lodge Nationale Française, the Mother Grand Lodge of Portuguese Regular Freemasonry.