Often we question ourselves what is the reason to get together in a Lodge meeting, what is the purpose to assist to a sometimes boring ritual and lack the essential that brought freemasonry together: a place of reflection, of betterment for men of different backgrounds and allegiances. Ritualism is not an end in itself just a pathway to truth and brotherhood.
In our sister blog The Lodge Room some of these questions are decisively met.
Going in circles? "If we examine where Freemasonry... is at the moment, to put it bluntly, we are engaged in initiating ever more men into the craft and conferring second and third degrees on them, so that they shall in their turn confer more degrees to a new lot and be Appointed To Offices on to the Masters Chair. To what end? Is it too much to ask 'what advancement'?"
-Julian Rees PGM"What will keep them? More mindless, boring meetings? Only good will and respect keeps many brothers from walking out and it is often not enough to keep them coming back. Lodge meetings are essentially ritualized business meetings but too often there is little business being accomplished. The Master of the Lodge opens and closes in Long Form because without that tedious recital nothing would occur. This is Freemasonry in name only." - James Garland PGMA struggling Lodge is an opportunity and a rare one when there is leadership available.
When a Lodge is pared down of excess it is an opportunity to bring in best practices and to look for a new path with new blood while giving committed brothers the chance help set things aright. Far too many lodges just fold up their tent or consolidate with another struggling lodge only for that lodge to do the same in another five or ten years.
Many potentially good or worthwhile members are likely to see the handwriting on the wall and get out. The answers for a lodge's problems are most often to be found internally not externally. -George Brat, PGM
In our sister blog The Lodge Room some of these questions are decisively met.
Going in circles? "If we examine where Freemasonry... is at the moment, to put it bluntly, we are engaged in initiating ever more men into the craft and conferring second and third degrees on them, so that they shall in their turn confer more degrees to a new lot and be Appointed To Offices on to the Masters Chair. To what end? Is it too much to ask 'what advancement'?"
-Julian Rees PGM"What will keep them? More mindless, boring meetings? Only good will and respect keeps many brothers from walking out and it is often not enough to keep them coming back. Lodge meetings are essentially ritualized business meetings but too often there is little business being accomplished. The Master of the Lodge opens and closes in Long Form because without that tedious recital nothing would occur. This is Freemasonry in name only." - James Garland PGMA struggling Lodge is an opportunity and a rare one when there is leadership available.
When a Lodge is pared down of excess it is an opportunity to bring in best practices and to look for a new path with new blood while giving committed brothers the chance help set things aright. Far too many lodges just fold up their tent or consolidate with another struggling lodge only for that lodge to do the same in another five or ten years.
Many potentially good or worthwhile members are likely to see the handwriting on the wall and get out. The answers for a lodge's problems are most often to be found internally not externally. -George Brat, PGM