"All symbols and all mysteries can be explained and understood, insofar as one is able to observe from the right angle," said Garcia May, an expert on mythology and symbolism and author of more than a dozen essays.
The journalist was among the first people who had the opportunity to read the book in Spain to analyze Brown's original, though that is not necessary to have read the text of the American author to enjoy "The Lost Keys Symbol" published by Metro.
Dan Brown's novel, which was released in Spanish last day 29 with a record circulation of a million and half copies, restores the character of the university professor Robert Langdon, who went to Washington to deliver a lecture and is involved in a plot that reveals the great influence of Freemasonry in the founding of the United States and its existing management.
"In Spain, many people tend to take a joke of this brotherhood through the continual accusation of Judeo-Masonic conspiracies," says Garcia May, "but without their influence is impossible to understand our contemporary world; it is enough to recall the large number of Masons who were behind the launch of the original draft of the European Union”.
"The Keys of Symbol Lost" describes the origins and symbols of the Freemasons and Freemasonry, which according to the author, "are often confused, though not exactly the same", and other current secrecy and mystery as the Kabbalah, of which this organization had many influences.
After thoroughly analyzing the Masonic symbolism in the U.S., the author includes a reference to the Masonic clues that can be found even today in architecture and sculpture in Madrid and Barcelona.
"We live surrounded by symbols, we prefer to ignore or interpret because we do not know because we fear it and embrace the power they have over us in our daily lives, "said the journalist, who works at the agency Efe.
Garcia May believes, however, that "despite our technological development, man is still as superstitious and easily manipulated in times of Sumerians.
"One of the characters in Brown's novel says it quite clear: to solve any mystery simply change of perspective, and I would add that we should raise our level of alertness as to what happens to us in everyday life, because everything happens is always a sense, though we are unable to recognize at first sight "he concludes.