(...) It is usual and correct that the W:.M:. adverts the recent initiated to not to speak in Lodge, from its initiation till its exaltation to Master Mason. In doing so, the W:.M:. is repeating one of the oldest traditions of the ancient initiatic societies: the silence.
Turning into himself, quiet, in a position of reflection and reception, the Entered Apprentice is far away from the passive or flaccid position. On the contrary, each of its senses should be on alert looking for whats happening in Lodge. See, listen, reflect and silence. To reunite all the information that reaches the mind, different from those he has perceived before, taking out conclusions that led him to a superior insight. This should be the core concern of the initiated.
The initiatic law of silence that the initiated is obliged to starts to produce effects in the Chamber of Reflection, where the profane is let alone surrounded by symbols, words and phrases, and encouraged to think and penetrate in the deepness of its spirit. In the stillness of its self-reflection he meets its self and search for its soul.
He afterward discovers the saying VITRIOL (Visita Interiora Terrae, Retificando, Invenies Occultaum Lapidem) that means visit the inner earth and rectifying you will find the occult stone.
In the situation of a kind of prostration, the recipendary is like the hermetist in search of the Philosophical Stone, that one time discovered, convert the profane into the perfect man. This is the occult meaning that the freemason pursuits when he struggles to transform the Rough Stone into the Cubic Stone, something that he may utilize in the construct of its new inner world.
In the Manual of Entered Apprentice, we may read “the discipline of silence is one of the crucial teachings of freemasonry. The individual that speaks too much reflects too little and normally does it in a superficial way. Freemasonry requests its followers to turn themselves into better thinkers than speakers". (...)