
Facts about Portuguese Freemasnry (II)

(...) In 1991 this District became the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal (GLRP), under the leadership of Fernando Teixeira as its first Grand Master. The new Obedience integrated in its ranks important freemasons like Antero da Palma Carlos, Portuguese first Prime Minister after the Revolution, Fernando Teixeira (1st Grand Master) (picture here), José Manuel Moreira, José Carlos Nogueira (Sovereign Grand Commander of the SCPGIG-AASR), Pisani Burnay, Alvaro de Athayde, Luís Nandin de Carvalho (2d Grand Master), José Manuel Anes (3d Grand Master), Nuno Nazareth Fernandes and José Moreno (Superior Priest of the Portugues Royal Arch) among others.
The Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal reach remarkable projection during the first ten years of life. It became recognised by Universal Freemasonry as Portuguese regular jurisdiction, integrating representatives to the Grand Lodges of Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, Mexico, the state Grand Lodges of the United States of America and the United Grand Lodge of England (1992). The Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal has established an increasing influence within Portuguese society among the liberal professions, intellectuals, public servants, entrepreneurs and academics, counting about 900 members during the 1990s. Prof. Luis Nandin de Carvalho replaced the founder, Dr. Fernando Teixeira, after his decease in 1997. Nevertheless, following its election a grup of freemasons contested the election led by José Braga Gonçalves, W.M. of Lodge General Gomes Freire de Andrade and promoted a schism in the Grand Lodge between 1997 and 1998. The motives were unclear but seem to point out for a retaken of power within regular freemasonry. This group took the Casa do Sino ( former headquarters of the Grand Lodge) by force and confiscated all the archives. This “coup d’État” led the remaining group of masons who support Luis Nandin de Carvalho, to reinstal Portuguese regular freemasonry with the name Grande Loja Legal de Portugal – Grande Loja Regular de Portugal,
thereby known as Grand Legal Lodge of Portugal (Regular). All the adjacent bodies of Regular freemasonry, the High Degrees, accompany GLLP in this process. On 11th December 2000, José Manuel Anes succeed Luís Nandin de Carvalho as Grand Master. In 2004, Dr. Trovão do Rosário was elected to the leadership of Portuguese freemasonry. In September 2006, Mário Martin Guia, the current Grand Master, was installed on the Salomon Chair.
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