
M:.R:.G:.M:. and Illustreous Bro:. Marcos José da Silva.

In a recent controversy that oppose the Grand Master General to some members of the Craft in Brazil the M:.R:.Bro:. Marcos José da Silva has been accused of violation of masonic oaths, breach of obligations and publicizing of masonic secrets. The case, as far we noticed by the press, is the deposit of several rituals in the National Library of Brazil. Even more recently, the Ilust:. Brother has exercised its right of defense of honor using a blog associated with the Brazilian Obedience to clarify its position. Below you may find the last part of its statement written in Portuguese and the link to where is the complete text (http://amaconariaquequeremos.blogspot.com/). We opt to quote the last paragraph of it that says basicaly the following: "the ancient uses and traditions of freemasory state that the responsabilities for damages caused to other person through the use of malicious words should be assessed and claimed under a righteous criteria to everyone that has breach the principle that has been lectured to everyone by free". No more words are needed but if a very broad comment is permitted we would like just to add that every public function is subjected to scrutiny from their peers and freemasonry is not exempt from the rule of law. But has a disciplined and hierarchised organization any claim should be brought under the proper instances, that are basically the masonic courts or the arbitration chambers. No one is exempt from that, according with the tradition and the masonic law, and may there be confronted with its own responsabilities. Saying that it is  wrong and shameful to use the media or any form of public forum to express claims that should be presented inside the organization. If the organ appealed doesn't fulfill its competences and obligations it is the right of the petitioner to require for him or them being subjected to scrutiny also. Freemasonry is not a political party but is also not a chamber of Inquisition. Rectitude and honesty are our cardinal values. This is the reason we argue to be a school of morality and rectitude. If we proceed the same way that in the profane world there is no reason for our mission or even our existence.
(...) Grande prejuízo pode sofrer o que se torna alvo de palavras torpes, perniciosas, produto de ódios e rancores que do fundo do coração insensato brotam na linguagem e adquirem vida própria devastadora. O maçom, dedicado ao estudo e à prática da Arte Real, fiel aos nobres ensinamentos das colunas é mestre na aplicação benfazeja das palavras.
Os antigos usos e costumes da maçonaria tradicional indicam que as responsabilidades pelos males causados a outrem por meio da palavra maldosa, serão apuradas e cobradas criteriosamente de cada um que tenha violado um principio que a todos é ensinado gratuitamente.(...)
The rest here.