
Freemasonry in Brazil

(...) The solemnity that commemorated the 178 years of the creation of Freemasonry in Santa Catarina and payd homage its protector, Jerónimo Coelho, got together tens of people in the Auditory Deputada Antonieta de Barros, in the Legislative Assembly in the Tuesday night (28). In the event, they were payd homage with medals and certified some entities and people who work in favor of the community. The date was chosen because in July of 1831, more precisely in the 2nd, Jeronimo Coelho it launched the first newspaper of the state, in the Capital, call “the Catharinense”, proclaiming it as “Sentry of Freedom”. According to Ib Silva, Grand-Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil - Santa Catarina, Jeronimo Coelho had aid to give beginning to the press in the State.
“They were maçons that they had donated prelo so that the newspaper was twirled. The catarinense press must its beginning to the masonry”, it said. The protector of the catarinense press also established the first Masonic Lodge of Santa Catarina, called Concord. One of the payd homage ones during during the event, with the medal Order of Merit of Dom Pedro I, it was Ivo Flag Cuts, with 92 years of age of which 60 dedicated ones to the masonry. “This event cheers to me very, therefore it demonstrates the recognition for those that they had worked for the Masonry. I learned very in the Masonry, even though the good behavior.” All the payd homage ones with this would honour have more than 40 years of Masonry. The MPs Gelson Merísio and Jean Kuhlmann, both of the Democrats, were awarded with the medal of Meritorious of the Catarinense Masonry.
“More than recognition for that they work for the people of Saint Catarina it is an incentive so that these works are constant in our journey”, it said Merísio. Already the deputy Jean Kuhlmann highlighted that the Masonry has important meaning for the state. “All effort of that they make a sincere work for catarinense society is here. I am flattered to be part of this.”