
Brazilian freemasons gathered in Congress

150 members of masonic Lodges from the region of Caparaó gather for the 12d Meeting of Freemasons held on the 22d August. The meeting comemorate the 27 years of the Masonic Lodge União de Simonésia, and was ilustrated by a lecture of the Deputy of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil, Bro:. Eduardo Teixeira de Resende.
In the region of Caparaó, freemasonry is envolved in different solidarity projects in hospitals, kidgardens, and other assistencial works. The event reunited Brethren from the Lodges Agostinho de Souza Lima – Durandé; Arte e Virtude – Lajinha; Tríplice Aliança – Manhuaçu; Fraternidade Caianense – Caiana; Fraternidade Prudência e Luz – Espera Feliz; Fraternidade Regional 33 – Manhuaçu; Liberdade e Fraternidade III – Conceição de Ipanema; Libertas Quae Será Tamem – Ipanema; União de Manhuaçu – Manhuaçu; Propter Humanitatem – Manhumirim; Renascimento e Justiça – Manhuaçu; Renúncia e Pureza – Alto Jequitibá; São João – São João do Manhuaçu; Verdadeira Caridade – Carangola e União Liberdade e Justiça – Manhuaçu.
More here.