
Blue Lodges and blue color

Forwarding comment of our Bro:. Rui Bandeira (Blog Partir Pedra) about the meaning of colour in Regular Freemasonry (ad hoc translation form http://a-partir-pedra.blogspot.com/2009/02/loja-azul.html)

In the York Rite the color is blue and in the AASR is red. Do not think, my dear friend, that the colors were chosen by chance. The Freemasons fully understood the scope of the answer of Ruah. But I questioned myself if an outsider that read its would fully understood it. I conclude that, although most of the profane would understand or may understand juts with a googling, certainly others would have some difficulty on understanding the allusion.

So let us clarify this issue, because what is a basic fact for some, that does not mean that it is the same for everyone. In Freemasonry, are named Blue Lodges, the Lodges that work in the three main degrees of Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master. Why blue? Simply because, in its origin, that was the color chosen by the Freemasons that in the eighteenth century, created in England, the Grand Lodge of London. In that time, there was only a rite practiced there and the color that identified it, the basic color used in the articles of clothing of the Freemasons, was the blue.
And so it remained, particularly in Anglo-Saxon countries, which, almost without exception, work still under the York Rite or its variants. The color of this rite is the blue. As in Anglo-Saxon countries the tendency is to practice only a single rite, and because blue is the color associated with this rite, the Blue Lodges turn into the reference of the three basic degrees in Freemasonry.
Certainly, other colors are associated with other situations in Freemasonry. For example, the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodges in the Anglo-Saxon world use, normally, necklaces and aprons delimitated by purple color. After the institution of Freemasonry, a period of creation and proliferation of rites, came next. Each rite was created associated with a certain color. Of the dozens of rites that emerged, then, of course only a few remained. One of the rites that remained was the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, characterized by the color being red.
In Freemasonry in the Anglo-Saxon world, the three basic degrees are almost exclusively worked in the York Rite and its variants, and the color, as mentioned above, is blue. There are, in addition to the three basic degrees of Freemasonry and essential systems, High Degrees, which prolong the path initiated in the three basic degrees. But all Masons, there, work in the Blue Freemasonry, work in the Rite of York or its variants. Those who want it and are admitted to, can still work in the High Degrees, being the Rite of York, or the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite the systems available. The Anglo-Saxon countries don’t work in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite – except in the United States - in the first three degrees. This happens only after the fourth degree. (...)
In Continental European, African and Latin America freemasonry, by contrast, the Lodges that work in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite use this system starting in the first degree. Here, the Rite is not only a rite of High Degrees, but is a coherent system that goes from the beginning until the last of the Philosophical Degrees. Although the rite color is red, the Lodges of the first three degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are designated by Blue Lodges, in conformity with the rest of the masonic world.

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