
Important facts about Portuguese Freemasonry

(…) Democracy in Portugal was re-established on 25th April 1974 as a result of the coup d’État that took place on that day, under the military command of the Movimento das Forças Armadas (MFA) directing the revolution. The revolution, swiftly called Carnation Revolution because of the flower decorating the barrels of the insurgent soldiers’ rifles, had the unanimous backing of the international community and Portugal’s traditional allies. The widespread acclamation the rebellion received from the population simplified the resumption of the civil and political liberties suppressed by the dictatorship.
It was not surprising that the revolution contributed to the elimination of all legal and political restrictions that restrained Masonic activity. The premises and documents confiscated by the secret police were returned to the Grémio Lusitano, the ordinary association that supported the Order.
The MFA program allowed the full restoration of all civil liberties, freedom of expression, meetings, and the press as independent judges of power.
Portuguese freemasonry initially was centred on the Grande Oriente Lusitano, with its palace in Grémio Lusitano Street at Alfama District. Since November 1984, a Grande Loja de Portugal was formed by masons coming from the lodges Aljubarrota, Bocage, Estrela d’Alva, Fernando Pessoa, and Futuro e Tolerância, under the jurisdiction of the Grande Oriente.
José Manuel Anes, in his most recent book about Regular Portuguese Freemasonry (see picture), mentions that a group of masons dissatisfied with irregular conditions that the Grande Orient persisted in following, took initiatives to remedy the situation and tried to restore the Obedience in the roots of regularity. The attempt failed. Nevertheless, splits occurred during the 1980s, which led to the creation of the Grand Lodge of Portugal in 1985 and later to the creation of the Portuguese District of the Grand National Lodge of France (DP-GLNF) (José José Manuel Anes, Maçonaria Regular, Lisbon, Hugin Editions, pp. 32-3). (...)
From an article undersigned A.M.A.G. published in Pietre Stone

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